How to save our startups/software/society/climate as all problems can be solved with the web!?

5+ Ways so save all startups so we can solve all problems right now!?

As… all you need is love… & the best things in life are free… how best to help everyone love/help everyone openly/equally?

As the web links everyone what are the best techniques to share that enable us all to solve all problems?
Is the best way just to share everything and love everyone so that everyone can learn to become wise/selfless? This could be done by sharing all education free online (if you would like to help solve problems in this way contact

What can we learn from the web’s 25th Birthday about “Life the Universe and Everything” (and human psychology)?

What are the best free techniques we can all share to help/save/enhance everyone?
How best to turn negative/selfish/ignorant/closed minds/cultures (race to the bottom where everyone loses) into positive/selfless/enlightened/open minds/cultures (collaboration to the top where everyone wins) as the future has always been brighter than anyone imagines? Is the best way to share positive/open content that enables everyone to solve all problems?

As we become what we think, how best to remind everyone to openly love everyone (as life is an adventure not a competition)!?

How can the technological singularity save us from global warming (and all problems)?…

Futurologist future prediction chart by

1. What are the best free techniques everyone can share?

– Love everyone including yourself as life is an adventure not a competition.

A. Sharing open future timelines enables everyone to look forward and help shape our future rather than be controlled by the fear mongering negative news that scares/divides everyone as we already have all we need!

B. Sharing open life timelines enables everyone to see how we are all living almost identical life adventures (not competitions) so everyone can help everyone.

C. Sharing open infographics and personality type tests to help everyone learn about how to maximise their different personality/learning styles.

D. Sharing open infographics to remind everyone to enhance any day (and solve any problems EG by Paying it Forward;).

E. Sharing open techniques that anyone can use and improve to enhance everyones lives?

F. 5+ Free techniques to help everyone every day?

G. 5+ Infographics to brighten any day/startup by sharing & sticking to any fridge/screen/wall?

H. Can we solve all problems just by sharing everything?

2. What are the best ways to solve any problem openly?

– Search for and list the most important problems.

A. 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

B. Pay it Forward just by sharing everything EG… Get & give $1,000,000 free for Christmas and every other no/religious holiday or birthday

C. Help anyone enhance their lives just by traveling and doing good…10+ tips to travel the world for free (almost) AND startup your own charity/tech/enterprise?

D. Help everyone one smile/hug at a time… Have a Free Hug on me:) & 10 free ways to help everyone… Remember to pass it forward at least twice and on and on… Screw it just do it, make love/peace not war/hate

E. Free techniques to solve any problem right now so you have fun and do good as we are all amazing and flawed and have all we need by sharing everything responsibly

F. All the worlds a stage… so lets make it our fantasy by meditating to master our minds & loving everyone as we have all we need by sharing everything responsibly?

G. Please accept this open (love/life/work) letter from anyone to everyone as we are all amazing and flawed and are all we need.

3. What are the best ways to help everyone enhance all startups so they serve us all?

Is the best way to create free and open locations to talk about and objectively rate/compare every company/startup/gov?

A. Open Awards & 50+ ways we can open everything to solve all problems?

B. How best to help everyone instantly eg by sharing everything we learn/use?

C. Stop Collaborate and Listen?! How best to help everyone achieve the inconceivable together eg preventing/reversing aging/death?!

D. 20+ ways we can solve all problems with open source ideas & crowdfunding everything now?

E. 10+ ways to max your time/love/life in 30 seconds & A-Z of #sharingiscaring #Universityoflife #passitforward

F. A-Z of life?! The Best Things In Life are Free But Have Some Free Money?! You Become What you Choose to Think?!

4. What are the best open startups in the world (that use open source p2p software and are run as not for profits)?

– P2P Foundation distributed social network projects list.

A. Compare & help the 50 ‘best’ crowdfunding & crowdsourcing organisations!? #openlife #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

B. Make a DIY open charity startup weekend holiday house party competition as good as an MBA/PHD from the University of Life? #openlife #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

C. How best to help everyone with innovation & @semesteratsea @mercyships @peace_boat @tallshipsraces @beunreasonable @oceanuni @blueseedproject @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #gov #tedx

5. What are the best open startups in the world that have closed/failed?…

How best to save any/all startups that fail/close and maximise their use?

A. Any #org can run as a charity & save lives.

B. 10+ best charity apps & 20+ Startup ideas that matter & 50+ best crowdfunding platforms to help everyone fund social change?

C. 20+ ways we can solve all problems with open source ideas & crowdfunding everything now?

6. Index of Open Startup, Crowdfunding & Crowdsourcing blogs

A. Compare & help the 50 ‘best’ #Crowdfunding & #Crowdsourcing organisations #helpall? eg #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

B. How best to #solve #problems & use #resources to #helpall? eg #money #ideas #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

C. Make a DIY Open Charity Startup Weekend Holiday House Party Competition as good as an MBA/PHD from the #University of Life? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

D. How to #helpall #solve #problems? eg #barcamp #hackcamp #hack4good #rhok #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx

E. How best to #helpall with #opensource #ideas with #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

F. #Opensource #ideas to #helpall eg 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

G. #save & #invest for #good & 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

H. Help #Charity #donations & #philanthropy & 50+ best #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

I. #Save 95% of #product/#service/#statups from #failure eg run as #os #charity & 50+ best #crowdfund #orgs? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #battleofideas #transeuropa

J. Solve any problem with #os innovation eg with video & 50+ best crowdfund orgs? #nfp #impinv #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

K. #helpall with #innovation & @semesteratsea @mercyships @peace_boat @tallshipsraces @beunreasonable @oceanuni @blueseedproject #armada @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #charity #rsa #gov #tedx

L. Any #org can run as a #Charity & #save #lives eg @TRAIDmark & @FREEtraid #wikipedia #mozilla @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

M. Make your own free #Library in minutes?! @TRUSTlibrary #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

N. How to #crowdsource & #crowdfund everything? @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

O. #Invent #free #jobs to #crowdsource & #crowdfund to #helpall? @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #davos #tatasec #mozilla

P. #Helpall #invent #Open #os #orgs to #crowdsource & #crowdfund #solutions? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

Q. How best to solve any problem with crowdsourcing & crowdfunding? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

R. As #Alltheworldsastage how best to #hack #life eg turn #vice into #virtue with crowdsourcing & crowdfunding? #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #tata #mozilla

S. How to #OpenSource everything as #Lessismore? #freelove #freehug #p2p #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #hack4good #tata #mozilla

T. #FREE #Money if you read & share this plus how to #solve #problems? #keepcalm & #Helpall #freehugs #freelove #p2p #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #hack4good #tata #mozilla

For any more details or funding/help to collaborate on creating open startups contact